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Friday, June 3, 2011


Both MAC painterly and MAC soft ochre paint pots are non shimmery, natural eyeshadow basis. These are both great under eyeshadow because they are so natural, they do not change the color of the eyeshadow. They keep eyeshadow from creasing and are long lasting. They are also great to put on even without eyeshadow to get a clean look to the eyelid and cancel out any discoloration.
Painterly on the right, and Soft Ochre on the left
In MAC foundation terms painterly is an NW because it has pink undertones and Soft Ochre is an NC because it has yellow undertones. However I find that I can wear them both even though I'm usually an NC with MAC. MAC's paint pots are some of MAC's best products. I really wish they would come up with some new PERMANENT ones.

Do you have these?
Hope you all are having an amazing day.


  1. I'm on a hunt for a base and Soft Ochre is definitely my first choice :) This is a great post, I always thought I'd HAVE to get Soft Ochre cuz I'm an NC too - but obvs not! :) Thanks Ansa!

  2. I use Painterly, but like you said, I think Soft Ochre would work well too. For someone that is very pink or very yellow they may have to use one or the other.

  3. I love Soft Ochre and I use it all the time. Painterly is too pink almost even red in some lighting on me.

    I totally agree with you, they should come out with new permanent Paint Pots they're amazing!


  4. The yellow based one is more suited to my skin but still seems dark in contrast. I wish MAC would be more creative as well. They recycle the same things with new names and different packaging. Have a great weekend XOXO

    1. soft ochre is toooo pale! and Im sure you are darker than that color. its used for lids only

  5. I've gotten a sample of Rubenesque paint pot before, but I didn't like the shade on myself!

    Your blog is sooooo cute!!

  6. I have painterly but stopped using it since the paint pots tend to crease badly on my oily lids. I used to love them before discovering UD Potion Primer.

  7. Thanks for the swatches! I've been eyeing out painterly, but now that I'm doing the P10P I can't buy any makeup! =( Anyways, thanks for visiting my page. I'm following you back. =)

  8. I have them both and also use them both even though I'm NC in MAC :)
    Great taste in makeup, as always!

  9. I ♥ my Painterly!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  10. Love Painterly, it s not so pink for me. İ think buy soft orchre too to use with differents eyeshadow.

  11. Isn't it the other way round? That's painterly on the left and soft ochre on the right, right?


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